
Bus gecombineerde rook-en hittedetector + 3 batterijen Duracell MN 1500 Procell AA-Size inbegrepen

Bus gecombineerde rook-en hittedetector 3 batterijen Duracell MN 1500 Procell AA-Size inbegrepen

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Technical specifications

Power 9 – 15 V DC / 3.5 mA (150 mA during an alarm)
3 pcs of AA 1.5 V / 2.4 Ah alkaline batteries
Typical lifetime approx. 3 years
Smoke detection optical light scattering
Smoke detector sensitivity m = 0,11 - 0,13 dB / m
pursuant to EN 14604:2005, EN 54-7
Heat detection class A1 according to EN 54-5
Alarm temperature + 60 °C to +65 °C
Operating temperature range -10 °C to +65 °C
Dimensions, weight diameter 126 mm, height 52 mm, 150 g
Conformity EN 50130-4, EN 55022

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